by Rev JJ Lim

One of the perks of this very busy trip was the opportunity to spend time with the Lord alone in the midst of the beauty of His Creation by the river. I did not realise how dangerous those early morning trips were until I slipped and fell twice. I thank God for His preservation, but I was reminded of this poem quoted from memory by Dr William Hendriksen in one of his talks:

The Stairs

By Theodosia Pickering Garrison

Oh long and dark the stairs I trod,
with stumbling feet to find my God,

Gaining a foothold bit by bit

Then slipping back and losing it.
There came a certain time when I
Loosened my hold and fell thereby,

Down to the lowest step my fall
As if I had not climbed at all.
And as I lay despairing there,
there came a footfall on the stairs

And ‘lo’ when hope had ceased to be

My God came down the stairs to me.

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